We expect an apology from Nazlı Ilıcak for her discriminatory article against Gypsies!
Statement to the Press and Public:
Discriminatory statements and hate speech by leading writers of the press against marginalized groups, which will reinforce existing discrimination, are causing fragile groups such as Gypsies to be further excluded.
It is absolutely unacceptable that Gypsies, who were not part of the discussion in Nazlı Ilıcak’s column in Bugün Newspaper on May 27, 2014 and who have no responsibility in the events in question, are the gloss of arguments in different contexts.
Gypsies need to be removed from being the object of thoughtlessly constructed sentences and the target of hate speech in daily political fights.
We expect people with a wide sphere of influence such as journalists and who reach large segments of society to be sensitive about hate speech.
This situation has brought to the agenda once again the need for the regulation of press ethics principles in the context of hate speech.
We condemn Nazlı Ilıcak and expect her to apologize to all Gypsy communities!
NGO Dialogue Group for Roma and
Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism Platform